Medical recruitment – terms and conditions
Terms and conditions of recruitment must be always listed and presented to the applicant before they sign an agreement with the agency. Here are some of the most common ones that you must be aware of before you start looking for a job in an employment agency.
The agency has the right to check your background
Not only it’s their right, it’s their duty. Any recruitment agency will check your background to confirm that you are who you are and you know what you say you know and can do. However, in the case of medical recruitment this rule is much more important than in any other case. Doctors must be highly qualified to do their job and the risk of applicants lying about their experience is too high to take. They will require you presenting all documents proving your education and experience in a language that is official in the country of your choice.
All the requirements and work specifics must be known to the applicant
This one sounds obvious, but when an employer seeks out their employees in an agency, they have to provide the agency with a set of all requirements and specifics of the work they are wishing to fill. Agency cannot send you, as an applicant, to any interviews with the employer unprepared. You must be willing to work for the person or the company as much as they must be willing to take you.
The company provides the legal requirements including qualifications, experience and training expected from the candidate.
Working for as long as it is required
Employment agencies usually have a set of strict rules about you changing your job and moving to another company without their help. The conditions vary, but generally speaking it as all to do with the fact that signing a contract with an employer with the help of the agency means that the agency gets paid for helping them to find an employee.
It also gives them right to demand a certain amount of time before the employer can move you from the agency contract to one of their own. This serves as a protection to you – don’t worry, you’re in good hands.
Terms and conditions of medical recruitment can be quite difficult to understand for foreigners – if you want to learn about details, please visit platform for people looking for their new job in medical range. This specific profession needs a certain set of rules to rule out any chances of medical misconduct by uneducated, unchecked people pretending to be doctors. If they bug you for many signatures and documents, don’t get frustrated – after all it’s for your own safety.